Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reseach Designs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reseach Designs - Essay Example are real life or assumed scenarios of any situation in which the readers are asked to access and understand the real problem in that situation and then to implement the best possible way to solve that problem. Case studies or case histories can be used to effectively study behavior of many individuals. Case histories are real life situations therefore; others can take the lead and try not to make the same mistakes again as the ones made in the case history. Another example would be that they can be used to evaluation of the people who have the similar kind of personalities like Type A, and Type B and Type C present will react in different situations. So companies and organizations can use these cases to understand how different kinds of people will react in similar situations. For example, if there is a case history present about how a type personality person will react when faced with failure, it can be used to estimate how others will the same personality traits will be reacting in similar situations. 2. Meta-analysis and traditional literature reviews are two different research techniques. Meta-analysis is used to analyze a wide variety of questions by amalgamating and summarizing and reviewing of a previous quantitative research. Certain parts of the research already done are entered into a database where it is analyzed to give another comprehensive view of the research. In the database, all the similar kind of information is gathered to give a common review that might be difficult to interpret meaningfully. Traditional literature review on the other hand, provides an overview of the research findings done by an individual. It is written by actually examining a body of published work and writing a critical ceremony of the body of the text. Literature reviews are usually used to put up different policies forward and indicate future research directions. One of the major advantages of traditional review is that if properly done by an expert, valuable unique

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Process for Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Process for - Essay Example Running business is not only keeping organization's website on Internet and driving it simply; It has a full modus operandi that shows the business to consumer; compel them to make business to hat organization, upgrading the site as required, etc. Tamba Internet (1994 - 2007), clearly says in their website "All successful e-commerce sites follow two vital rules: Goods are clearly and attractively displayed for maximum visual impact; and the customer experience is simple and pleasurable." This statement perfectly fits upon the website commonly known as The basic work flow of the business is known to be the business process. There are number of different activities from buying a product from the vendor to selling it to the customer; from finding out the vendor to advertising to attract customers; from settling up the prices to buy stock to gaining the profit. All of these basic activities when define in a flow collectively, business process is specified. Business is the name to purchase and sell the product in a manner to earn profit. For, e-commerce the business, CEO of the company shows up the structure of the business by drawing different boxes following each other. Each of the box at that time represents the task or activity perform by the workers or equipments, as an essential step to perform business. This is what the CEO is drawing called as Business Process Diagram. These activities take the input and produce an output which is the input of the other activity. This is known to be the flow of business where internal inputs are shared to produce different major productive outputs. Business Process For Amazon.Com is a real world wide famous website, diversifying its business in many directions using a single web site. This is one of the major e-commerce website doing the biggest business with number of customers and variety of stocks. It is a online shopping e-commerce website. According to David Forbes in his review to Spring Time for IT (2003) told that to implement the whole on to the technical grounds it was a difficult task. As people didn't understand the requirements of the technical industry. Though, employees weren't appreciatively contributing to explain their views and ideas to the designer. However, IT itself is nothing to start of some business process management but its only what designers made it to process at best and it can only be possible if people get cooperative. Leaving decision making upon IT system from the beginning level wasn't good idea as IT may help taking decision but it can only possible if the System is known with the past up and down facts of the business and though in beginning the Subject Matter Experts should come forward and tell each and every functionality they requires to have in the business process management system. Furthermore, cost for making this IT system may gives a hard time but after noticing the Kodak who spent 1billion dollar for its ERP system then to spend much for IT system is worthy enough as later it saves many cost and will help to get many customers to cover the loss. Though, Amazon has converted his whole business in IT in form of The real meaning while defining the word business is specified to buy and sell something in regard to earn profit. Now, Amazon was online and can be accessible to the entire world just by few clicks

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Underdetermination, Instrumentalism and Realism

Underdetermination, Instrumentalism and Realism Understanding Underdetermination in conjunction with realism and instrumentalism The present essay is about the understanding of under determination thesis in conjunction with the realism and instrumentalism. As we know that realism and instrumentalism are two opposite views in philosophy of science, so by explaining the two it would be much easier to grasp the concept of under determination thesis, which is one of complex doctrine. The intended audiences of this essay are science students and people who are interested to know about the philosophical issues in science. I divide the essay into four of parts. The first part explains the realism and instrumentalism concepts, second part explains the under determination thesis in detail and then the third part will state the views of different philosophers about three schools of thoughts. The fourth and the final part conclude the whole argumentation Realism The word realism in the dictionary means the tendency to view or represent things as they really are. [dic]. In philosophy of science it can be defined as â€Å"the philosophical doctrine that abstract concepts exist independent of their names†. It can be explained as an approach in philosophy that considers objects as they are in the universe as real things and their characteristics as a secondary thing. The advocate of realism are called realist and it is important to differentiate the realists. A person can be realist about the different kinds of things i.e. mountains, physical objects, numbers, universe etc. but in the case of a philosopher, it is required to specify that for what object/thing the philosopher is realist [book]. An American philosopher name Hilary Putnam stated that â€Å"A realist with respect to a given theory holds the following: What makes them true or false is something external that is to say, it is not in general our sense data, actual or potential, or the structure of our minds, or our language, etc. Furthermore he says that the positive argument for realism is that it is the only â€Å"philosophy that does not make the success of science a miracle†. [Book]. Generally, in science established scientific theories are treated as a true fact, but according to realist these theories would be treated as a successful explanation of the whole scientific process or its relation to an object, and not as a whole truth. [Book] An example is that sun, mountains, building etc. exists in this world, but the attributes like length, width, colour etc. are either dependent or independent of the environment. For example the sun is spherical in shape, so it is independent from any material thing of this universe. But in case of a building, its shape and size, all depend upon the person who designed or built it. So it can be said that reality is related to mind and environment. In general, Realism is supposed to be a term that relates to number of subjects i.e. ethics, aesthetics, causation, modality, science, mathematics, semantics etc. When we talk about the realism in the context of science then the intention is to elaborate the scientific realism which has a number of dimensions i.e. metaphysical, epistemological and methodological. Besides this it is also the truth that there is no single version of scientific realism which is being accepted by all the scientific realists. The doctrine of scientific realism states that â€Å" the world studied by science exists and has the properties it does, independently of our beliefs, perceptions, and theorizing; that the aim of science is to describe and explain that world, including those many aspects of it that are not directly observable; that, other things being equal, scientific theories are to be interpreted literally; that to accept a theory is to believe that what it says about the world is true, and that by continually replacing current scientific theories with better ones. Science makes objective progress and its theories get closer to the truth†. Realism has two schools of thought, first one is called Extreme realism, represented by William, a French philosopher; according to him â€Å"universals exist independently of both the human mind and particular things†. The second one is moderate realism and according to which â€Å"universals exist only in the mind of God, as patterns by which He creates particular things†. The main proponent of this view was St. Thomas Aquinas and John of Salisbury. According to epistemological view of realism, things exist in this universe, independent of our understanding or perception. This point is totally opposite to the theory of idealism, which states that â€Å"reality exists only in the mind†. By having a brief explanation of realism, instrumentalism will be discussed, which is the opposite view of realism and most of time called Antirealism. Antirealism is a doctrine that rejects realism, and includes instrumentalism, conventionalism, logical positivism, logical empiricism and constructive empiricism. Instrumentalism Instrumentalism is treated as a doctrine that states â€Å"theories are merely instruments, tools for the prediction and convenient summary of data† [Book]. In other words it can be defined as â€Å"concepts and theories are merely useful instruments whose worth is measured not by whether the concepts and theories are true or false, but by how effective they are in explaining and predicting phenomena†. The point is that in order to make predictions from theories, logic is required, so it can be hard to say theories have no truth values. In view of this instrumentalists admit that theories have truth values, but do not accept this argument that theories should be treated as accurately true. In view of this T.S. Kuhn said that â€Å"Theories may have truth values but their truth of falsity is irrelevant to our understanding of science†. [Book] In other words instrumentalism evaluates the significance of a theory with respect to empirical evidence and did not require the understanding of the actual phenomena. For example Newton gravity model is understandable and working fine, but it has no theoretical foundation [] The another aspect of instrumentalism is that it relates closely to pragmatism and this point of view opposes the scientific realism because according to this, theories are more or less true in nature. Moreover, instrumentalism refutes that theories can be evaluated on the basis of truth. Theories will not be perceived as air plane black box which gives output on the basis of observed input. The point is that there should be a clear distinction between theory and observation that further leads to a distinction between terms and statements in each type. Like in science for statement of observation there is a specific meaning for an observable truth, for example if the litmus paper is red, so the observation terms have their meaning fixed by their referring to observable things or properties, e.g. red. Theoretical statements have their meaning fixed by their function within a theory and arent truth evaluable, e.g. the solution is acidic, whereas theoretical terms have their meaning fixed by their systematic function within a theory and dont refer to any observable thing or property, e.g. acidic. Though you may think that acidic refers to a real property in an object, the meaning of the term can only be explained by reference to a theory about acidity, in contrast to red, which is a property you can observe. Statements that mix both T-terms and O-terms are therefore T-statements, since their totality cannot be directly observed†. There is some criticism of this distinction, however, as it confuses non-theoretical with observable, and likewise theoretical with non-observable. For example, the term gene is theoretical (so a T-term) but it can also be observed (so an O-term). Whether a term is theoretical or not is a semantic matter, because it involves the different ways in which the term gets its meaning (from a theory or from an observation). Whether a term is observable or not is an epistemic matter, because it involves how we can come to know about it. Instrumentalists contend that the distinctions are the same, that we can only come to know about something if we can understand its meaning according to truth-evaluable observations. So in the above example, gene is a T-term because, although it is observable, we cannot understand its meaning from observation alone. The explanation of realism and instrumentalism above has provided us the capability to understand the topic with much insight. Now, I switch to under determination thesis. From the above discussion we have the knowledge that instrumentalism is related to pragmatism and this point of view is in contrasts with the scientific realism, which states that theories are often more or less true. Here, I refer to Quine, who said that theories can be underdetermined by all possible observations [23], and Newton Smiths, treat this as a threat to realism. He said, realism in his sense has to be rejected if there can be cases of under determination of theories. Under determination As we know that under determination is a thesis that is â€Å"used in the discussion of theories and their relation to the evidence that is cited to support them†.[1] Arguments from under determination are used to support epistemic relativism by claiming that there is no good way to certify a theory based on any set of evidence. A theory is underdetermined if, given the available evidence, there is a rival theory which is inconsistent with the theory that is at least as consistent with the evidence. Moreover, under determination is treated an epistemological issue about the relation of evidence to conclusions. Historical background The subject gets its first attention by Renà © Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician in the 17th century. He presented two arguments related to under determination. â€Å"While dreaming, perceived experiences (for example, falling) do not necessarily contain sufficient information to deduce the true situation (being in bed)†.[2] As we know that it is not always possible for a person to separate dreams from reality and the theory that what is real or dream at a certain time is underdetermined. The second argument of Descartess is called demon argument â€Å"which is a variant of the dream argument that posits that all of ones experiences and thoughts might be manipulated by a very powerful being (an evil demon) that always deceives. Once again, so long as the perceived reality appears internally consistent to the limits of ones limited ability to tell, the situation is indistinguishable from reality, one cannot logically determine between correct beliefs from being misled; this is another version of under determination†.[2] The second person who talks about under determination was David Hume, who does not use the word under determination specifically but an argument about the problem of induction. I will discuss the induction later in the essay while explaining the under determination types. The Under determination thesis gets the recognition in the twentieth century through the work of Thomas S. Kuhn, who is a famous theoretical physicist and philosopher. He was very much prominent due to his work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that offered an alternative to linear models of scientific progress. According to Kuhn the under determination has a place to for argumentation against theories in the philosophy of science, and scientific realism. According to Khun the under determination can be divided into two types the weak and strong under determination. The both could be stated in the following words: Weak underdetermined is that the currently available evidence is not sufficient to prove the argument, but some evidence that will be available in the future might do this. Strong underdetermined is to claim that it is principally impossible to get evidence that could fully resolve the argument between the opponent theories. Besides strong and weak underdetermined theory there are two other attributes called deductive and inductive under determination. The two rival theories could be deductively underdetermined when the available evidence does not completely deny either theory. The theory is inductively underdetermined when theories are compatible with the available evidence, but still tries to determine, which theory could be a better failure A weak under determination can turn to a strong one if it avoids the attainment of future evidence that turns it into deductive under determination. A counter argument is that it is not possible for a theory to be accurately strong and inductive. In general weak under determination arguments are focused on the availability of evidence for an explicit set of theories, and strong under determination mostly entails common epistemological arguments that relates to the type of evidence and its viability for a particular or general theory. Furthermore, it is generally acknowledged that all theories are weakly underdetermined, but in case of some specific purpose all theories are strongly underdetermined. Explaining the types of under determination thesis, Ludan said that â€Å"for any finite body of evidence, there are indefinitely many mutually contrary theories, each of which logically entails the evidence†. So in other words it can be said that deductive under determination is under determination of selecting theory through a logical method. Finally, the term under determination as thesis is associated with two respectable names Pierre Duhem and W.V. Quine in philosophy of science, â€Å"that neither the truth nor the falsity of any scientific theory is determined by evidence†. According to Duhem-Quine Under determination is a â€Å"relation between evidence and theory. More accurately, it is a relation between the propositions that express the (relevant) evidence and the propositions that constitute the theory. Evidence is said to underdetermine theory†. From the above it can be said that evidence is not enough to prove the theory, belief or truth. Moreover, only the availability of evidence is not enough to make the theory a credible one. In view of this we can call the first argument a deductive and the second inductive under determination. Hence, according to under determination thesis, both arguments have required some definite epistemic proposition, and belief in a theory could not be justified on the basis of evidence. For under determination types, Duhem, also said that â€Å"logic alone cannot take us from the falsification of a prediction to a refutation of an isolated hypothesis. Importantly, deductive under determination does not mean that theory choice is underdetermined, nor does it mean that there is more than one reasonable conclusion given certain experimental evidence†. Up until now we have a basic understanding of the under determination thesis, so now I will discuss what realism actually is, the theoretical frame and the origin of the concept. Another argument against scientific realism, deriving from the under determination problem, is not as historically motivated as these others. It claims that observational data can in principle be explained by multiple theories that are mutually incompatible. Realists counter by pointing out that there have been few actual cases of under determination in the history of science. Usually the requirement of explaining the data is so exacting that scientists are lucky to find even one theory that fulfils it. Furthermore, if we take the under determination argument seriously, it implies that we can know about only what we have directly observed. For example, we could not theorize that dinosaurs once lived based on the fossil evidence because other theories (e.g., that the fossils are clever hoaxes) can account for the same data. Realists claim that, in addition to empirical adequacy, there are other criteria for theory choice, such as parsimony. In particular, it must not be confused with what Newton-Smith takes to be a minimal common factor among the wide range of philosophers who in recent years have advocated a realist construal of scientific theories. This common factor consists of the following theses: (1) Scientific theories are either true or false and which a given theory is, it is in virtue of how the world is, (2) If a theory is true, the theoretical terms of the theory denote theoretical entities which are causally responsible for the observable phenomenon whose occurrence is evidence for the theory, (3) We can have warranted beliefs (at least in principle) concerning the truth values of theories, (4) The historically generated sequence of theories of a mature science may well be a sequence of false theories but it is a sequence in which succeeding theories have greater truth-content and less falsity content than their predecessors. We may refer to (1) as the objectivity, (2) as the causality, (3) as the decidability, and (4) as the convergence of scientific theories. Newton-Smith uses the name realism for the combination of these four theses, and he also seems to hold that this is the standard use of the term. It is clear that theoretical realism in the weakest sense entails neither objectivity, nor causality, nor decidability, nor convergence. In particular, some theoretical propositions may be true even if no scientific theory as a whole is either true or false. Moreover, it is doubtful whether realism in Newton-Smiths sense entails theoretical realism. For example, if all theoretical propositions are false, then theoretical realism is false, but realism in Newton-Smiths sense might still be true. In any case, one of Newton-Smiths main theses is that realism in his sense has to be rejected if there can be cases of under determination. In particular, he claims that either objectivity or decidability has to be weakened if under determination can occur to give up decidability is what he calls the ignorance response (to under determination). This involves embracing the possibility of inaccessible facts facts concerning whose obtaining we could have no information. To give up objectivity is what he calls the arrogance response. This amounts to holding that if we cannot know about something there is nothing to know about. 36 Notice, that this holds only for under determination in Newton-Smiths sense, i.e. under determination by all possible data. It does not hold for the other kinds of under determination mentioned above. In other words, it is only when an underdetermined theory is empirically viable that we cannot know that it is true or that it is false (either because it is neither true nor false, or because we cannot know, even in principle, what its truth value is). In general, we cannot have under determination (of any kind) together with empirical viability, objectivity, and decidability. If a theory is underdetermined, we cannot know that it is true. This I accept. At first, it appears that Quine would not accept this. He holds that there may be two best total theories which are empirically viable and incompatible, but that we may know, at least in principle, that one of them is true and the other false. However, it seems that Quine is then using true and false in a non-realistic sense; according to him, to call a statement true is just to reaffirm it. He does not seem to assume that there is some objective reality, the world, such that the truth of a statement consists it its correspondence with this reality. Hence, presumably he would reject the objectivity thesis which is part of realism in Newton Smiths sense. Realism/Anti-realism Given the various epistemological difficulties (under determination, problem of induction, rationality, social forces), and the lack of a consensus on these issues, why should we think that our theories are actually describing reality? The apparently large gap between observational and theoretical knowledge inspires worry about realism Metaphysical difficulties come into play here as well—we do not have good understandings of the nature of laws and causation, explanation, so how can we claim that we are discovering the nature of the universe?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Greek Theater in 5th Century BCE Essay -- essays research papers

Greek Theatre in 5th Century BCE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ancient Greeks, probably one of the most fascinating civilizations to study contributed several discoveries and technological advancements. One can not discuss the Greeks without discussing Greek Theatre though. Greek Theater paved the way for literature and art in later history in many ways. If it wasn’t for Greek Theatre famous play writers like Shakespeare would have never done what they are so very well known for. When studying Greek Theatre it is virtually impossible not to hear about it in the 5th Century BCE, and that is because the 5th Century BCE was rather exciting when it came to Greek Theatre.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The origin of Greek Theatre in 5th Century BCE is not known. Dozens of hypotheses exist, but there is not really any conclusive hard evidence. What is known on the other hand is that tragedies were first performed in Athens in 6th Century BCE, and that they were very simple. They only had one actor and one chorus. In the 5th Century BCE this changed though. A second and third actor were added to plays, but there were no more then three speaking actors on stage at once. Throughout 5th Century BCE the average size of the chorus was twelve through fifteen members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theatrical performances were part of the worship of the god Dionysus, the god of fertility and wine. Out of the four festivals of worship for Dionysus, two them included theatrical perfo...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An analysis of british rock culture and its impact on popular culture Essay

Since its genesis in the early 1960s, British Rock n’ Roll has been one of the most influential movements of contemporary music worldwide. Britain has successfully introduced some of the most significant rock musicians to ever grace the stage worldwide. Included in this group are bands like The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, and countless others. I chose to analyze British rock culture, not solely because of its importance in terms of musicality, but because of its profound impact on popular culture. Contemporary British rock began developing in the 1960s and early 1970s with the inception of bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Led Zeppelin. It derived from the skiffle and blues music of the 1950s, yet the forthcoming British artists sought to recreate the upbeat music according to their own interpretations (Perone 19). British rock culture has yielded many sub-genres of rock n’ roll including Progressive Rock, Glam Rock, Alternative, and Heavy Metal. As the movement has expanded throughout the decades, lyrics have become more complex and have become increasingly rooted in the conveyance of sociopolitical and sexual themes (Miles 1). The geographic origins of contemporary British rock culture are mainly large urban areas in the southern half of England including Liverpool, Manchester, and London (Kallen 20). These urban locations teemed with showcase opportunities at clubs and concert halls for many of the local bands. Over three hundred bands in the 1960s made their debut in these smaller venues that the large cities had to offer. After increasing in popularity, bands like The Rolling Stones and The Beatles made a transition to America in what was coined as the British Invasion. The British Invasion came in different waves, continually promoting the new styles and sounds coming out of Britain during the second half of the twentieth century. This movement influenced the form of artistic migration that has continued today within the realm of pop music with bands like One Direction. The British Invasion of the 1960s flourished due to the British domination of American radio stations and record industry. The vibrant fashion trends and mop-top hairstyles took the young American public by storm. In terms of demographics, the attractive members of the new Britain rock culture were extremely appealing to their American counterparts. Their enticing English accents were familiar enough to understand, yet foreign enough to be alluring and admired.   They were young enough to be relatable and helped to create the link between music and teenage identity that continues to proliferate today. It is important to analyze the psychographics of band members associated with the British rock scene as it allows for us to better determine and understand the attitudes and opinions reflected by their lifestyle choices. While many British musicians during this time were brought up in the Christian church, in many cases they eventually began to reject religious teachings and organizations. George Harrison, for example, abandoned Western thought entirely and began to embrace Eastern ideologies during his spiritual walk with Hinduism while in India (Stark 117). John Lennon and Ringo Starr began to identify as being an agnostic or atheist, while Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher has stated that his beliefs continually oscillate and that he is too concerned with the present day to be worried about the afterlife (â€Å"Liam and Noel Gallagher† 2).   Rumors concerning satanic behavior and devilish subliminal messaging have continued to be associated with British rock stars; opponents to the messages that British musicians advocate are adamant in stating that playing songs like The Beatles’ â€Å"Revolution 9† backward wield satanic sayings and chants. This is enough for some people to firmly believe that the musicians producing these songs do worship Satan as their god. In terms of family life and relationships, short-lived marriages and divorce have been popular amongst those in the rock scene. The pressures of being a celebrity living a high profile and publically wildlife strained marital relationships and led to many of the musicians having multiple spouses throughout their lifetime.   Adultery is common; Mick Jagger’s first wife has stated in an interview that her marriage ended on their wedding day because of this. Sexual liberation was a prominent theme that was grounded in the British rock scene and encouraged the normalization of premarital sex and, eventually, homosexuality. Bands during the creation of the British rock movement were often considered accurate representations of the counterculture movement of the 1960s due to their youthful, rebellious behaviors and creativity. This trend continued with members of The Beatles, The Kinks, and The Rolling Stones.   Drug use began to run rampant in the artists’ lives as LSD, heroin, and cocaine became popular choices for artists with an experimental mindset. The common interest in recreational drugs was an attempt to explore consciousness and find inspiration for new sounds and styles to share with the eager public. The prolonged drug use inspired a branch of British rock called psychedelic rock, introducing the Grateful Dead and The Doors to the world stage (Kallen 253).   The Beatles famously became known for their bouts with LSD. Overall, the explicit use of drugs in songwriting encouraged the young public to experiment themselves as they embraced the alternative lifestyle that their stars exem plified. The fame and exposure of British musicians have often led to very risquà © behavior, commonly leading to alcoholism, drug addiction, and young deaths. The stars are most often characterized as living freely, and doing whatever it is they please, no matter how frowned upon their actions are. Many urban legends have surfaced regarding the wild antics of British musicians, including stories about bizarre sexual encounters and the destruction of both public and private properties.   It is plausible to say that many musicians associated with this culture focus on primarily living in the moment. The profitable success of record sales in conjunction with their celebrity titles provides the musicians with the funds to do virtually whatever they please with their time and their money. Drugs, therefore, become easily accessible and affordable. Drug addiction is very common in the lives of these artists and has sadly claimed many of their lives at young ages. Jim Morrison of The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, and Keith Moon of The Who is among those whose reliance on recreational drugs like heroin, unfortunately, claimed their lives. They were all under thirty-two years of age (â€Å"The Dead Rockstars Club† 27). The impact that the British rock scene has had on popular culture throughout the world is undeniable. The British rock culture has become so important in England that some of its stars have been awarded, and in some special cases, knighted by the Queen of England for their contributions to music. The list of those who have been knighted includes Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney of The Beatles (Kallen 246). The worldwide influence of British rock culture is even more impressive as it has become a reflection of societal changes and themes as time and the development of sub-genres have progressed.   In terms of musicality, it increased the distinction between what was considered noise and what was considered carefully constructed music; instruments are now seen as crucial to a song or band’s success. In even more important terms, it has been a form of democratic mass media that has broadcasted messages of free speech, sexuality, and even anti-war disillusion ment. British rock n’ roll has influenced people beyond Britain’s sphere of political and economic influence through its ties to the world’s youth. Overall, British rock culture will continue to expand its horizons and be influential in the lives of the masses due to the band members who are willing to share their opinions and creativity through their artistic medium. Works Cited â€Å"The 1960s British Music Invasion.†Ã‚  The Official 60’s Site-British Music Invasion. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. â€Å"The Beatles and the British Invasion.†Ã‚  The Beatles and the British Invasion. Jerry Fielden, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. â€Å"The Dead Rock Stars Club – The 1970s.†Ã‚  The Dead Rock Stars Club – The 1970s. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Kallen, Stuart A., and Bob Italia.  Renaissance of Rock: The British Invasion. Bloomington, MN: Abdo & Daughters, 1989. Print. â€Å"Liam and Noel Gallagher.†Ã‚ Atheist Musicians, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Miles, Barry. â€Å"Spirit of the Underground: The 60s Rebel.†Ã‚  The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 31 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Perone, James E.  Mods, Rockers, and the Music of the British Invasion. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2009. Print. Stark, Steven D.  Meet the Beatles: A Cultural History of the Band That Shook Youth, Gender, and the World. New York: HarperEntertainment, 2005. Print.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Errors In Solving Equations Reducible To Quadratic Form Education Essay

In the General Cambridge Examination Ordinary ( G.C.E. O ) Level Additional Mathematics course of study, work outing equations reducible into quadratic signifier plays an of import function as it affect about all mathematics strands in the course of study: Algebra ; Geometry and Trigonometry ; Calculus. The important Numberss of subjects in Additional Mathematics that requires the construct of placing and work outing equations reducible to quadratic signifier highlights the importance of this survey.Problem StatementStudents in Singapore secondary schools are expected to get and get the hang the accomplishment of algebraic use and work outing equations peculiarly additive equations and quadratic equations by the terminal of Secondary 2 ( Grade 8 ) ( Ministry of Education, 2007 ) . Students who take Extra Mathematicss in their Upper Secondary ( Grade 9 – Grade 11 ) are expected to be able to reassign their algebraic cognition and accomplishments peculiarly in work outing equati ons and use constructs and utilize it to work out more complex equations. Complex equations work outing in Additional Mathematics involves higher-degree algebraic powers, exponential maps, logarithm maps and trigonometry maps. Over the old ages, I have observed many pupils who were unable to work out equations reducible into quadratic signifier when given different maps as mentioned. This present survey is an effort to analyze pupils ‘ mistakes in work outing equations reducible to quadratic signifier through written and verbal signifier every bit good as supply some contemplation on instruction.Purpose of the StudyThis survey attempts to place the types of mistakes that pupils make in work outing equations reducible to quadratic signifier. The equations in this survey refer to equations affecting exponential maps, logarithm maps and trigonometry maps which can be simplified to ax2 + bx + c = 0 ( a, B and degree Celsius are invariables and ten is the maps mentioned ) . This su rvey intends to reply the undermentioned inquiries: What sort of mistakes do pupils hold when work outing equation that is reducible to quadratic signifier? Why do these pupils ‘ make these mistakes? How we can avoid such type of mistakes?Significance of the StudyIn mathematics, equation resolution is an of import accomplishment in progress algebra subjects. The usage of equation as a job work outing tool is applicable to other subjects such as Physicss. The mistake analysis that is being carried out in this survey would lend to an apprehension of the cause of pupils ‘ failure in work outing equations and to better schoolroom direction. Error analysis reveals both common and unexpected mistakes. Acknowledging and understanding the beginning of mistakes made by pupils will assist instructors to be after instructional activities to avoid some of the common mistakes if instructors are cognizant of the nature of their pupils ‘ misinterpretation. An apprehension of pupils ‘ mistakes in equation resolution will supply a better successful redress action by instructors.Conceptual ModelThe followers is the conceptual model of the survey. Beginnings of mistakes can be fou nd at any phase and the mistakes will be analysed. Equation in footings of P, where P are map such as exponential, logarithm or trigonometry Substitution, allow p = ten Identify structural characteristics Quadratic equation signifier: ax2 + bx + c = 0 Interpret solution Solve for P Solve for tenLITERATURE REVIEWIn the literature reappraisal, a general overview of algebra will be discussed, followed by troubles in larning algebra and troubles in work outing equations. Next, research of types of mistakes will be discussed. Last a reappraisal on understanding mathematics constructs is examined.2.1 AlgebraAlgebra involves variables ; whereas algebraic looks contain variables, invariables and operation marks ; whereas algebraic equation contains algebraic looks and equal mark. Students are required to understand the construct of variables, the significance of algebraic term before cut downing algebraic look right ( Filloy & A ; Rojano, 1989 ) . Thereafter, pupils need to cognize that that the construction of an equation is based on equality of algebraic looks ( Kieran, 1981 ; 1989 ) . Variable plays an of import portion in advanced therefore I am utilizing Usiskin ( 1988 ) construct of school algebra into four constructs where he emphasized on the function and signi ficance of variables in each of his construct. One of the of import characteristics of variable in this survey is sing algebra as a survey of construction ( Usiskin, 1998 ) .2.2 Surveies on Troubles in Learning AlgebraMany instructors and pupils will readily hold that algebra is hard to larn. Many surveies have been conducted to place or explicate pupils ‘ troubles in algebra are chiefly from primary or in-between school. The surveies on algebra are chiefly focused on variables, looks and work outing additive equations ( Kuchemann, 1981 ; Rosnick, 1981 ; Sleeman, 1984 ; Booth, 1988 ; Kieran, 1989 ; Wagner and Parker, 1993 ) . There are few surveies on the troubles or misconceptions on work outing quadratic equations ( Vaiyavutjamai & A ; Clements, 2006 ) in assorted National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( NCTM ) research publications. There is besides fewer surveies conducted on algebra which are focused on high school or university degree ( Wagner & A ; Parker, 1993 ; V aiyavutjamai & A ; Clements, 2006 ; Novotna & A ; Hoch, 2008 ) .2.3 Troubles in Equation SolvingStudents ‘ troubles in understanding the construction of algebraic look will hold an impact on work outing equations ( Kieran, 1981, 1989 ) . Research on equations and work outing equations dealt with pupils ‘ acknowledgment and usage of construction, either implicitly or explicitly ( Kieran, 1989 ) . In acknowledging the construction of different types of equation, work outing it requires different processs. Hence, pupils require the right process before they can successfully work out an equation right. Ekenstam & A ; Nilsson ( 1979 ) survey found that the place the unknown every bit good as the types of solution in the equation affect the public presentation of the pupils. Using concrete theoretical accounts approach to understand the construct of equality to minimise pupils ‘ troubles in work outing equation was successful in Filloy & A ; Rojano ( 1989 ) survey. However, this survey does non back up state of affairs where negative Numberss are used. Lima ( 2007 ) cited Linchevski and Sfard ( 1991 ) research where pupils made errors in work outing equation as they misinterpret the techniques used to work out equation every bit good as deficiency the significance of the mathematical symbols.2.4 Surveies on Error AnalysisMathematical mistakes are a common phenomenon in pupils ‘ acquisition of mathematics and there is a long history for mistake analysis in mathematics instruction ( Peng, 2010 ) . Knowledge of the common mathematical mistakes and misconception of pupils can supply instructors with an penetration into pupil thought and a focal point for learning and larning ( Chua and Wood, 2005 ; Kaur, 1989 ; Ryan and McCrae, 2005 ; Wong, 2000 )2.4.1 Types of MistakesMistakes can be classified as procedural and conceptual mistake Bagni ( 2000 ) concluded in his research that high school pupils improperly extend simple regulations into two types ; misconceptions of additive functions and balance misconception. These misconceptions are operational misconceptions which were caused by an improper over-use of metaphorical projections. Bagni ( 2000 ) classified the undermentioned illustrations as misconception of additive functions, while Wong ( 2000 ) classified it as inappropriate usage of distributive jurisprudence: ; wickedness ; Example of balance misconception is as follows: where Bagni ( 2000 ) suggested that to get the better of these mistakes, the function of counterexamples dramas an of import portion to do pupils cognizant of wrong replies and of their conflicting thoughts. Some of the ill-famed confusion regulations are in work outing of algebraic equations utilizing the â€Å" move-over and change-sign † ( Wong, 2000 ) or â€Å" Switching-Addends † mistake ( Kieran, 1989 ) and â€Å" Redistribution † mistake ( Kieran, 1989 ) . Wong ( 2000 ) accent that is was no surprise that pupils frequently mix up the regulations because they do non hold relational apprehension of what they are making and their long-run memory is jumbled with legion regulations that look similar.2.5 UnderstandingUnderstanding was defined as doing connexion ( Hibert & A ; Carpenter, 1992 ) . Understanding new construct means to construct a relationship between the new construct and the old construct. Hibert and Carpenter ( 1992 ) suggested different ways to ease understanding by traveling through undertakings which requires contemplation, communicating and working on reliable or real-life jobs. This is verified by the survey of Brenner et. Al ( 1997 ) with junio r high school pupils on the construct of maps. Mistakes are the symptoms of misconstruing. If the grounds on why pupils made mistakes can be good understood, it should be easier to better their apprehension.2.5.1 Conceptual and Procedural UnderstandingConceptual and procedural apprehension in mathematics has its topographic point in mathematics. There have been two schools of idea when it comes to learning and acquisition of mathematics ( Long, 2005 ) . Novotna and Hoch ( 2008 ) survey was with high school pupils and university pupils, where they have troubles in developing deeper apprehension of mathematical impressions in their mathematics classs even though, they were high-achieving pupils in middle-school or high-school. These pupils have deficiency of construction sense a term created by Linchevski and Livneh ( 1999 ) , in other words they do non hold conceptual apprehension of construction. Kieran ( 1989, 1992 ) discussed pupils ‘ inability to separate structural charact eristics of equations. Thomas and Tall ( 1991 ) indicated the versatility of idea is necessary to exchange from an analytical attack to a planetary one, giving as an illustration to see 3x + 5 as a common factor in the look ( 3x + 5 ) 2 – 2x ( 3x + 5 ) . These illustrations indicate that pupils are required to hold conceptual apprehension in larning mathematics constructs when it comes to progress mathematics.MethodologyA qualitative attack was chosen for this survey, as I want to happen out about the mathematical thought underlying the mistakes when work outing equations. Experimental attack or quantitative attack will non be suited to seek the information required in the research inquiries. In order to show a wide image of the pupils ‘ mistakes and apprehension, it was necessary to utilize a written trial. Semi-structured interview Sessionss will be conducted after the analysis of the written trial. Interviews session will be the platform where pupils supply penetrati ons into the grounds for mistakes. Beginnings of informations from the written trial, interview Sessionss and past markers ‘ study will be able to triangulate the beginning of mistakes which is required in this survey. The sample of the survey is secondary Five ( Grade 11 ) pupils. They were selected for the survey as these pupils would hold covered most types of equations as compared to secondary Four ( Grade 10 ) pupils. The pupils ‘ cognition in mathematics could be tested in more state of affairss and would pull out greater assortment of mistakes. This survey was planned to: analyze the mistake patterns in phases of work outing equations reducible to quadratic signifier, compare the mistake forms of convergent thinkers of different abilities in work outing equations, place the idea procedure underlying the mistake patterns.WORKPLANAll pupils are given the instrument incorporating 7 inquiries on work outing equations. Duration of the trial is 40 proceedingss. The written solution will be marked and mistakes that are surfaced for each inquiry will be written and categorised. Following, the Markss of the trial will be tabulated and the pupils will be categorized to three sets: high ability ; medium ability ; low ability. The mistakes from each set will be farther analysed. Interview Sessionss with a few pupils from each set will keep to happen out why these mistakes occur. During the interview session, worked out solution of the pupils ‘ ain working and other pupils solutions will be used to analyze how the mistakes occurred. Interview session will be held in the period 7 March – 11 March 2011. In the hebdomads to come, I will finalise my findings from the interview. I will go on to read more literature on symbols, apprehension, mistake s and equation work outing for readying of the concluding study.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Gatsby And The American Dream

A dream is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a strongly desired goal or purpose, something that fully satisfies a wish. In the beginning pages of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story gives us a glimpse into Gatsby’s idealistic dream of winning back Daisy Buchanan. That was his main goal in life for five years. It was the only reason he existed. This is comparable to The American Dream, which was the goal of many people back in the 1920’s. Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald tried to disparage the American Dream by using the three places of residence, West Egg, East Egg, and the Valley of Ashes, and the circumstances by which Jay Gatsby earned his fortune. The American Dream is a concept that plays a significant role in the novel, The Great Gatsby, which was written by Fitzgerald in the 1920’s. The 1920’s were a time period when many Americans were living the dream. The American Dream embodies the best of America. It is the chance to gain material wealth and spiritual happiness for people who start out with nothing. This is a great example of how Fitzgerald used the The American Dream. Jay Gatsby started from nothing and gained material wealth. But he never got the spiritual happiness because only half of his dream was fulfilled. People from all different countries used to come to America for the chance to turn their hard work into success. The American Dream is the equal opportunity for achievement and happiness. However, instead of showing us how great the dream is, The Great Gatsby shows how society has corrupted it. Fitzgerald used Jay Gatsby’s dream of wanting Daisy Buchanan as a symbol of the The Ameri can Dream. Gatsby’s understanding of the The American Dream was quite different than most people. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matte... Free Essays on Gatsby And The American Dream Free Essays on Gatsby And The American Dream A dream is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: a strongly desired goal or purpose, something that fully satisfies a wish. In the beginning pages of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story gives us a glimpse into Gatsby’s idealistic dream of winning back Daisy Buchanan. That was his main goal in life for five years. It was the only reason he existed. This is comparable to The American Dream, which was the goal of many people back in the 1920’s. Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald tried to disparage the American Dream by using the three places of residence, West Egg, East Egg, and the Valley of Ashes, and the circumstances by which Jay Gatsby earned his fortune. The American Dream is a concept that plays a significant role in the novel, The Great Gatsby, which was written by Fitzgerald in the 1920’s. The 1920’s were a time period when many Americans were living the dream. The American Dream embodies the best of America. It is the chance to gain material wealth and spiritual happiness for people who start out with nothing. This is a great example of how Fitzgerald used the The American Dream. Jay Gatsby started from nothing and gained material wealth. But he never got the spiritual happiness because only half of his dream was fulfilled. People from all different countries used to come to America for the chance to turn their hard work into success. The American Dream is the equal opportunity for achievement and happiness. However, instead of showing us how great the dream is, The Great Gatsby shows how society has corrupted it. Fitzgerald used Jay Gatsby’s dream of wanting Daisy Buchanan as a symbol of the The Ameri can Dream. Gatsby’s understanding of the The American Dream was quite different than most people. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matte... Free Essays on Gatsby And The American Dream The American Dream is an idea that has existed throughout the United States’ history. Before the United States of America was established, immigrants from all over Western Europe stormed to America. Some immigrants came to help expand their country’s empire, some were explorers searching for new adventures, but most came for the American Dream. The American Dream for these immigrants consisted of a few basic ideas such as religious freedom, equality, and a chance to succeed in the world. These people sacrificed everything for the possibility of escaping the oppression of their native lands. The Revolutionary War was fought to uphold the American Dream. During the war, the American Dream manifested into the Declaration of Independence and later, the Bill of Rights. After the Bill of Rights was passed, freedom of religion was not the problem it had once been. Different religions could not be persecuted by the government, and everyone had the legal right to practice their own religion, whatever it might be. With the rise of industrialization, one more aspect became part of the American Dream, prosperity. As the years went on, prosperity and equality became the largest parts of the American Dream. Caucasian men were the only members of the population with equal rights. African American men now had the right to vote, but it was discouraged by such cults as the Ku Klux Klan. They were not considered equal simply on the basis of their skin color. In 1919, women were granted the right to vote as well, but they were continually looked down upon. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, sums up the American Dream of the 1920's. The novel relates the story of a man searching for his American Dream. Jay Gatsby is the main character of the novel. Gatsby’s legal name was James Gatz. Gatz grew up in North Dakota where his parents were unsuccessful farmers. Gatz was not satisfied with his parents fate and dec...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Migrant Workers of the Dirty Thirties, compares Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath both by John Steinbeck, with true migrant workers of that time.

The Migrant Workers of the Dirty Thirties, compares Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath both by John Steinbeck, with true migrant workers of that time. The "Dirty Thirties" brought much struggle to the people of North America. With the stock market crash of 1929 and the droughts and dust storms that dominated the next ten years, life in the Great Plains region of the United States was miserable. Many families packed up as many belongings as they could manage and began their journey to find work. Some families went towards California and the West and others went towards the East. John Steinbeck, who was born in the Salinas Valley of California, witnessed first hand much of this migration to the West and he wrote many books pertaining to his home state. Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath are two such examples, examining two very different migrant families during the 1930s. Steinbeck's books have often been criticized for being untrue to the history they explore (Timmerman 5). Nevertheless, the characters in these two books have certain elements in common with migrant workers of the Depression.Cover of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, 19...The main struggles for migrant workers during the 1930s were work and survival, looking out for one another, and dreams.Surviving the Great Depression was a major concern for people all over North America, and the people of the Great Plains had tough weather conditions to deal with in addition to the failing economy. The "Dust Bowl", a series of dust storms and destructive winds, was very destructive in this region of the United States. Oklahoma, the home of the Joad family in The Grapes of Wrath, was one of the areas hit hardest by the dust storms. The Joad family has to leave the state in search of a better life in order to find work and to survive. They try to get by on as little as possible, eating cornmeal for quite some time...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Types of Wordplay

10 Types of Wordplay 10 Types of Wordplay 10 Types of Wordplay By Mark Nichol Humorous works of fiction are easily enlivened when the author resorts to one or more of the following categories of playing with prose: 1. Acronyms: An acronym is an abbreviation consisting of a string of initial letters pronounced as a word. Fictional examples, such as SPECTRE (for â€Å"Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion†), from the James Bond novels and films, and VILE (for â€Å"Villains’ International League of Evil†), from the Carmen Sandiego computer-game series, can be serious or humorous depending on formation and intent. 2. Anagrams: An anagram is simply a word with its letters scrambled in a new order. Many humorous phrases have been derived by scrambling expressions or people’s names, such as forming â€Å"I am a weakish speller† from â€Å"William Shakespeare.† (Anagram generators can be found on the Internet.) 3. Chronograms: A chronogram is a phrase in which constituent letters also express a number, as in â€Å"My Day Closed Is In Immortality,† an epitaph for England’s Queen Elizabeth I in which the first letter of each word corresponds to a Roman numeral; the numerical sequence, MDCIII, is translated as 1603, the date of her death. A weak variant is a habit of filmmakers (or, more accurately, film marketers) of replacing one or more letters in a movie title with a number vaguely resembling the letter or otherwise related, as in the title of the 1995 crime thriller Seven, represented on posters as Se7en. 4. Initialisms: Initialisms are distinguished from acronyms by the fact that the constituent letters are pronounced individually, rather than sequentially sounded as if they were a single word. Many popular social-networking terms such as LOL (â€Å"laugh out loud†) and ROTFL (â€Å"roll on the floor laughing†) are initialisms; so is TEOTWAWKI (â€Å"the end of the world as we know it†). 5. Lipograms: A lipogram is a composition deliberately consisting of words lacking a letter of the alphabet. Such a work is more or less easily accomplished depending on the letter selected for omission; many writers, astonishingly, have written novels produced without recourse to use of a common letter such as e or t. 6. Malapropisms: This type of wordplay refers to misuse of one word for another by those too ignorant to recognize the error. It’s named after Mrs. Malaprop, a character in an eighteenth-century play who is notorious for such unwitting utterances, as exemplified by the character’s line â€Å"She’s as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of Nile.† Shakespeare also employed such humor, most notably in lines by the character Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing such as â€Å"Our watch, sir, have indeed comprehended two auspicious persons.† 7. Mondegreens: Misunderstood song lyrics are often referred to as mondegreens; the term itself is based on a mishearing of the phrase â€Å"laid him on the green.† A more recent example is â€Å"Excuse me while I kiss this guy,† rather than â€Å"Excuse me while I kiss the sky,† from the Jimi Hendrix song â€Å"Purple Haze.† 8. Onomatopoeias: Onomatopoeias (the term is from the Greek words for â€Å"make† and â€Å"name†) are words that imitate sounds, such as splash or bump. A notable example of an onomatopoeic proper name is that of the Houyhnhnms, the sentient, civilized horses from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. 9. Portmanteaus: Portmanteaus, words creating by combining two words and their meanings into one, were named and popularized by Lewis Carroll. He coined several, such as slithy (from lithe and slimy); more recent examples include brunch and smog. (Carroll named the form of wordplay after a word for a suitcase with two separate compartments.) 10. Spoonerisms: The term for expressions in which initial letters, or sometimes entire syllables or words, are transposed is based on the name of a British clergyman supposedly prone to such utterances, though many attributed to him were only inspired by him. Among them is â€Å"a well-boiled icicle† for â€Å"a well-oiled bicycle†; John Lennon is credited with coining a variation on â€Å"Time heals all wounds†: â€Å"Time wounds all heels.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidConfusing "Passed" with "Past"Confusion of Subjective and Objective Pronouns

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Geography home work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geography home work - Essay Example Social media took five years to be accepted and be the most used means of communication and lifestyle by college students replacing mainstream means of accessing information, communication, and interaction. 3. I adopted the use of social media very early in the S-curve owing to the widespread of its use and that it was a new innovation while I was a late adopter on the use of computers in social networking and communication owing to low financial liquidity. 5. The diffusion of AIDS in the United States follows an S-Curve diffusion pattern as reflected in the changes in the rates of prevalence according to region and the reduction in new infections in recent years. 6. The main reason for New York, Miami, and LA/SF were the high rates of drug abuse that allowed the use of and sharing of needles, social status and sexual habits that promoted having unprotected sex and high population density as they are urban regions and it was the main areas where AIDS began then spread. 12. The characteristics that determine if a phenomenon will diffuse hierarchically of contagiously include the mode of contamination for example direct contact for a disease or means of transfer of ran innovation, the source of the phenomenon and the ability to be transferred through relocation or migration to new areas. 14. I would apply my knowledge of spatial diffusion through development of products for different age brackets that will be transferred through relocation and expansion diffusion when one has the product or listens to the music through correspondence and migration to different areas with them. There are several instances where the Middle East and the American Southwest have differed especially on policies on terrorism, religion, and democracy. Muslim oppression, independence, and traditional cultures being impended by globalization of western culture are some of the reasons for the bombing of World Trade Center and Pentagon by Muslim terrorists. Despite these

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stefko, Salem Witchcraft Trials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stefko, Salem Witchcraft Trials - Essay Example The first to be tried were Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne. The girls attended the trials and experienced fits and convulsions as each of the accused was questioned. Tituba had been beaten by Parris for practicing the craft and confessed to being a witch. She implicated the other two women. Tituba also said that the three of them were not the only practitioners and there was a coven in Massachusetts that was lead by a tall man with white hair. This led to witch hunts and further trials. Ministers and district justices asked the girls to name more witches and they obliged. More people were falsely accused and arrested. Ann Putman Jr. and her mother accused Martha Corey of being a witch. They did not like this woman and this was what they did to vent their dislike. Later, Martha's husband, eighty- year old husband, Giles, was accused of being a wizard and a sorcerer. At the time the hysteria began, no trials could be held in the commonwealth until a new charter was in place. In May 1692, Sir William Phips, the newly appointed royal governor, arrived with a new charter. He did not want to be involved with the witchcraft problem, so he created a Court of Oyer and Terminer to try the accused witches. Lt. Governor William Stoughton served as chief justice and eight other judges presided at the trials. The men were highly respected in the colony. Some were biased because they had sent those accused witches to prison and believed that those who were in jail were, in reality, witches.The trials began in June. The girls had accused the "witches" of attacking them in the form of specters. There were tests to determine if the accused were witches. One was when the girls would collapse when the accused was told to look at Them. Another was when the girls were "cured" of their afflictions by touching the accused.The trials were swift and some of those who w ere found guilty were sentenced to death by hanging. The sentences were carried out within days after the sentence was pronounced.Giles Corey refused to acknowledge that the court had the power to try him. He was sentenced to the punishment of having a board placed on top of his body, then rocks placed on top of it. He was killed by the weight of the rocks.Eventually, Tituba was released from jail, and then sold as a slave to pay for the expenses of being imprisoned. The Salem witchcraft trials were the last major trials in the world. There had been other outbreaks of such hysteria in Europe prior to these trials. The Salem trials were "mild affairs compared to the hideous persecutions of Europe." (Cohen, 19)The largest witchcraft trials in the New World and one of the last events of the hysteria of witchcraft were in Salem, Massachusetts. Those who were the most afflicted by the alleged witches were young girls whose "'child's play'

Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc - Case Study Example The Group operates 375 stores spread across the United Kingdom. The Group operates in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Isle of Man.' Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC - Company Profile Snapshot, ( coms2/ reportdesc_ COMPANY_C826N2770, viewed on 24th March, 2009) The company was founded in the year 1899 by William Morrison. The Headquarters was at Bradford inWest Yorkshire. The company initiated its expansion by the takeover of another company viz., Safeway in the year 2004. Thereafter the company registered commendable growth and at present it has a total of 382 superstores across the UK. The Morrison family currently owns around 15.5% of the company. Morrisons has now a remarkable stronghold in the supermarket chain and has earned good profits through the years and has given good divident to its shareholderes. The adoption and implementation of effective marketing strategies with the support of latest technologies have helped the company in the flawless management of inventory, logistics and warehousing. Here, in this essay the Technological, financial and marketing techniques implemented by Morrisons for its success is being discussed.. Wm Morrison Supermarkets LLC (Morrison) one of U.K.'s largest food retailers and has its area of operation related to retail supermarket stores and connected actions. The varied range of products which Wm Morrison has to offer include fresh foods, home and leisure products, wines and spirits, groceries and beers, through its 365 stores, 13 manufacturing sites and 12 distribution centers in the whole of U.K. The different branded products of the company are; Eat Smart, Organic, free from, At Home, First Home, BettaBuy, skin colour products and private label products. The market share of the Morrisons gained and it extended beyond its rivals. Consumers became more and more health and budget-conscious and they started preferring necessities to improvised spending. GBP 655 million was the profit before taxation for the year. This is an increase of around GBP 43 million over the previous year profits. But the net income for the equity share holders reduced by 17% and the earnings per share also dropped down. The yearly turnover for fiscal 2009 is higher by 12% and 3% of this growth is because of its very high prices of fuel. The growth in the existing stores were 7.9%, increase in customer numbers by 4.2% and average basket used up by3.6%. Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc branded advanced profit before tax in fiscal 2009, after it wheedled consumers with freshened and rebranded stores. The supermarket chain also increased its dividends and also announced that it was going to open up more stores across U.K. Morrisons has raised 601,212 in aid of Help the Aged and Childline. They have been able to do this by: Selling pin badges in store Charity of the Year Collections (more coming in December!) Donations from reusable charity carrier bags Stop for Tea parties nationwide Recycling mobile phones History of the Company Morrisons started their business as as an egg and butter merchant in Rawson Market of Bradford under the name of Wm Morrison (Provisions) Limited. In 1952, his son, Ken Morrison took over the company while he was only 26 years old. In 1958 it opened a small self-service store in Bradford. This store was the first shop of its kind in Bradford delivering poducts with a price

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annotated Bibliography

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Annotated Bibliography Example IMF has laid strategies and efforts to promote sound macroeconomic policies, orderly adjustment, and market-oriented reforms are essential to reduce poverty and income inequality in those countries under the IMF programs. According to the Eurodad report, the organization is paying increasing attention to the quality, not just the quantity, of its adjustment programs. These allegations raised by the IMF are of fundamental nature but I disagree with the initiative based on the following sentiments. In this case, the IMF does not issue fresh instructions to adjust the amount the member must transfer so that the amount will be in accord with the new exchange rates in relation to the loans offered through World Bank. Article IV of the IMF has provided a disagreement support regarding the motion that the IMF and World Bank should not continue attaching strict conditions on how their loan money is used and what other economic changes must occur before the loans are approved. The support is based on the macroeconomic outlook and the risk of economy globally. With the recovery of intense domestic demand in New Zealand by mid-2010, the IMF in conjunction with the World Bank should do away with the strict notions laid on the loans offered to the clients. Such unexpected happenings that were experienced in New Zealand should be planned for when the IMF is issuing out funds through the World Bank. For instance, the IMF director had announced a direct increase on the funding projects in New Zealand by 15%, a state that could not have been implemented in the initial epoch while implementing the standardized value on the funding of the earthquake victims in New Zealand.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of McClearns Closed for Business Essay

Analysis of McClearns Closed for Business - Essay Example The core argument or the thesis is that the Canadian government has been causing confusing amongst investors by blocking some bids from foreign investors without clear explanations. The author concludes that Canada could be closed for foreign business. The author has supported the argument using evidence of various companies that have been prevented from investing in Canada without any explanations from the government. Moreover, the author argues that Prime Minister Visit to china to encourage investors from china to invest in Canada has been received as a threat by American investors. Additionally, the Canadian government appears to be contradicting the prime ministers statement by rejecting bids from foreign companies wanting to invest in Canada. Another argument to support the thesis statement is that the Canadian government under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced Foreign Investment Review Act (FIRA) in 1973 and the Investment Canada Act (ICA) in 1985. The two acts were sup posed to aid in setting up guidelines to be followed by foreign investors. However, there were no changes in the application and endorsement process. This has added to the confusion since the Canadian government is not clear on the requirements that foreign companies should meet in order to be allowed to invest in Canada. Although the author argues that Canada has been blocking investors, some parts of the article, arguments, and examples appear to contradict the main  argument while others do not contribute to the argument. For example, the author argues that foreign investors are being blocked from investing but still claims that 90% of foreign applications for takeover were rubberstamped. This is considerably high and does not show presence of any obstacle. On the contrary, the argument depict that Canada is still open for foreign investments (McClearn 34-36) Summary According to McClearn Canada was built using money obtained through the foreign investors. British investors fin anced the building of railways, buildings, canals and most of the infrastructures while American Industrialist was responsible of building most industries and manufacturing plants. Over the past, Canada has always been open and allowed foreign companies to invest. Around February, the Canadian prime minister personally visited China to inform the Chinese government that Canada was open for foreign investment. However, things have changed rapidly, Canada has been vetting foreign company, and a considerable number of foreign companies have been prevented from Investing in Canada. Such companies include Malaysia Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and Lowe’s. Furthermore, there is fear that the Canadian government will reject the offer for Nexen by China National Offshore Oil Corp. Moreover, the Canadian Government has been showing mixed signals. McClearn views such moves as a threat to foreign investors since it appears like the Prime minister, Stephen Harper is contradicting himself (McClearn 34-38). Although Canada argues that it is open for investors from various countries including the upcoming China and Malaysia, investors from the two countries have been treated coldly through rejection of their bids. Moreover, the Canadian government has not given any explanations for the rejections which has created a chill amongst the investors (McClearn 35-36) Analysis of the Arguments   The statements and the evidence are sufficient to persuade the reader that the argument is sound. Almost all the arguments and statements made are followed by examples. For example, the argument that Canadian government is not giving enough explanations for rejection of investments by most companies has been supported by examples of several companies. Such

Australian Gas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Australian Gas - Essay Example Dividends during that time have grown from 52 cents per share to 63 cents per share (93 cents per share in 2005 which includes a special 30 cent dividend). That is approximately 5% dividend growth per year. Earnings per share (excluding extraordinary items) during the last three years has grown from 73 cents per share in 2003 to 79 in 2004 and 84 cents per share in 2005 (the last year full figures are available), which is an average growth rate of just over 7% per year. Underlying profit (excluding significant items) grew from $351 million to $386 million just over 6% growth for the year. EBIT remained steady at approximately 13.6% of funds employed. Total liabilities dropped from $3.4 billion to $2.6 billion a 22% drop. The debt to equity ratio dropped significantly dropping from over 40% in 2004 to approximately 27% in 2005. The price to earnings ratio during the last three years has remained relatively stable as well. In February 2003 the stock was trading at about 10.00 per share and had earnings of 73 cents that gave it a P/E of approximately 14. In February 2004 the stock was trading at just over 11.00 per share and had earnings of 79 which kept the P/E very close to 14 and in February of 2005 the stock was trading at approximately 13.25 per share and had earnings of 84 cents. This caused the P/E to jump slightly to approximately 16 which was still well within the average P/E of other gas and electric companies. RISKSThere are a myriad of risk factors for this company, including (but not limited to): rates being set by the regulatory board that are not in line with company expectations, a vote by shareholders that halts the planned divestiture of AGL energy and AGL infrastructure into two separate entities, the ongoing environmental investigations and standards that need to be met and of course a more consistent weather pattern that lowers the demand for electricity or natural gas.The rates that are currently being considered are in line with industry standards and though there are a number of rate revisions being considered by the regulatory commission the company feels that the recent trend has been for the governing board to take a light approach, not a heavy handed approach to rate increases. This bodes well for the company.The divestiture of AGL energy into a separate entity is viewed by most experts to be a good decision and profitable for the shareholders. Recent surveys show that the majority of shareholders are planning to vote for the divestiture and subsequent merger at the shareholders meeting in October 2006. The company is committed to a clean environment and recently began to draw up plans for the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis of McClearns Closed for Business Essay

Analysis of McClearns Closed for Business - Essay Example The core argument or the thesis is that the Canadian government has been causing confusing amongst investors by blocking some bids from foreign investors without clear explanations. The author concludes that Canada could be closed for foreign business. The author has supported the argument using evidence of various companies that have been prevented from investing in Canada without any explanations from the government. Moreover, the author argues that Prime Minister Visit to china to encourage investors from china to invest in Canada has been received as a threat by American investors. Additionally, the Canadian government appears to be contradicting the prime ministers statement by rejecting bids from foreign companies wanting to invest in Canada. Another argument to support the thesis statement is that the Canadian government under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced Foreign Investment Review Act (FIRA) in 1973 and the Investment Canada Act (ICA) in 1985. The two acts were sup posed to aid in setting up guidelines to be followed by foreign investors. However, there were no changes in the application and endorsement process. This has added to the confusion since the Canadian government is not clear on the requirements that foreign companies should meet in order to be allowed to invest in Canada. Although the author argues that Canada has been blocking investors, some parts of the article, arguments, and examples appear to contradict the main  argument while others do not contribute to the argument. For example, the author argues that foreign investors are being blocked from investing but still claims that 90% of foreign applications for takeover were rubberstamped. This is considerably high and does not show presence of any obstacle. On the contrary, the argument depict that Canada is still open for foreign investments (McClearn 34-36) Summary According to McClearn Canada was built using money obtained through the foreign investors. British investors fin anced the building of railways, buildings, canals and most of the infrastructures while American Industrialist was responsible of building most industries and manufacturing plants. Over the past, Canada has always been open and allowed foreign companies to invest. Around February, the Canadian prime minister personally visited China to inform the Chinese government that Canada was open for foreign investment. However, things have changed rapidly, Canada has been vetting foreign company, and a considerable number of foreign companies have been prevented from Investing in Canada. Such companies include Malaysia Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and Lowe’s. Furthermore, there is fear that the Canadian government will reject the offer for Nexen by China National Offshore Oil Corp. Moreover, the Canadian Government has been showing mixed signals. McClearn views such moves as a threat to foreign investors since it appears like the Prime minister, Stephen Harper is contradicting himself (McClearn 34-38). Although Canada argues that it is open for investors from various countries including the upcoming China and Malaysia, investors from the two countries have been treated coldly through rejection of their bids. Moreover, the Canadian government has not given any explanations for the rejections which has created a chill amongst the investors (McClearn 35-36) Analysis of the Arguments   The statements and the evidence are sufficient to persuade the reader that the argument is sound. Almost all the arguments and statements made are followed by examples. For example, the argument that Canadian government is not giving enough explanations for rejection of investments by most companies has been supported by examples of several companies. Such

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Budgeting issues in criminal justice systems Essay Example for Free

Budgeting issues in criminal justice systems Essay One of the reasons why jails still exist despite overcrowding is the budget allotted for the criminal justice administration. But the sudden rise in the number of prisoners posed a problem when it comes to budgeting. The article on policies and procedures of correctional facilities operated by the Multnomah County clearly shows that it has been experiencing financial shortage due to faulty budgeting. The article shows that it is very expensive to accommodate a prisoner, which costs $157/day in Multnomah County. This is expensive compared to the rate of jail systems in other counties. This was attributed to the labor contracts which resulted to raised labor costs, extraordinarily high medical costs which led to high cost of the overall system in jail, ineffective jail staffing pattern, abuse of sick leave, overtime and compensatory time and increase in the Sheriff’s budget. Aside from all of these, the Multnomah County has a very expensive juvenile detention facility. It costs $401/day to accommodate a juvenile. The article further shows that the Sheriff’s Office has practiced budgeting techniques which hid the management practices of the organization. This resulted to difficulty of finding out the different organization functions. Even the district attorney’s office has to seek the help of a financial analyst to make sense of the financial outline of the jail system. What the county requires is a program called â€Å"priority-based budgeting. Each department of the jail system must present program offers for the county commissioners to fund. However, some of these program offers are rejected. The Sheriff’s office has a total of 66 funding program offers that the county commission has approved. The priority-based budgeting was applied so that the commissioners can make an informed decision from an accurate financial picture of the different programs. This enabled the commissioners to be knowledgeable in whether funding or rejecting a particular program. The article concluded that the outside help of a financial consultant was necessary to analyze the Sheriff’s costs and budgets. It was noted that â€Å"it is a natural and understandable inclination of a government agency† to do the budgeting practices discussed in the article. The DA’s office thought that similar practices have been done by other government agencies in the county. It was suggested that the commission should collaborate more with the Sheriff. The county commissioners should understand the operations that they fund so that the problems might not occur again. The workgroup of the jail systems should focus on the Sheriff’s cost reporting and budgeting practices so that they can partake in any decisions to make. The commission should also found a work group that will inspect the jails and report frequently to the commissioners. This work group must consist of representatives from the law enforcement agencies in the county, the County Chair, the County Commissioner, the United States Attorney, the administrator for the federal facility at Sheridan, representatives from the business community, a representative from the medical community, the Department of Corrections, an independent financial analyst and the District Attorney. The law also requires that the county should include the state Department of Corrections in every operation of the local jails. However, whatever responsibilities the Department of Corrections is assigned by the law should not be carried out by the Sheriff’s Association. The article strongly advises that a healthy relationship must be established between the county Sheriff and the Board of Commissioners. Any solution to the problems must start from this perspective since all other problems stemmed from a breakdown to that relationship. The other article addressing budgeting issue is titled â€Å"Will part-time prison cut crime or costs? † by Nick Morrison. The article says that British Home Secretary David Blunkett proposed that some inmates be given freedom on weekends to relieve the growing population of prisoners in jails. Those inmates who are dangerous could be provided with electronic tags and they could stay out of jail for a month. They could also work during the week and spend the weekend in jail. Many questioned this proposal whether it is a way to fight the crimes or to cut costs, particularly Norman Brennan, director of the Victims of Crime Trust. He sees this proposal as the government’s admission to defeat in solving crimes, even though Blunkett promised to be tough on car-jackers and phone thieves. Brennan thinks that it has to do with money problems and not reducing crime why Blunkett allowed this kind of arrangement for the prisoners. It was hard for the government to spend a lot of money in keeping prisoners. Moreover, Brennan argued that it is more important to keep the prisoners in jails and out of the streets to protect the victims of crimes and the public, even though it is expensive to do so. Apparently, Blunkett’s proposal did not make this possible. Criminals were allowed on the loose, and they could strike again since they have freedom. With the growing population of prisoners in jails, Brennan says that the criminal justice system is no longer effective. A crisis in the criminal justice system has to appear before people do something to solve it. He recognizes that the problems will be harder to solve later on. Even more, there were less police officers on the beat to prevent crimes even though these crimes have been getting worse for many years now. The government also has not done something to reduce crime. He couldn’t see how Blunkett’s proposal could solve any of the problems. Brennan mentions that the country has more people inside prisons than any countries in Europe. He says it is so because there are more crimes here than anywhere else. The government, he adds, has resorted to different measures to solve the rising number of crimes. Sadly, none of these measures worked, and this showed a â€Å"disgraceful record on crime and law and order. † On the other hand, the Howard League for Penal Reform agreed with Blunkett’s proposal. The spokeswoman says that â€Å"anything †¦to reduce the prison population is a good thing. † She added that the programs set to keep the prisoners with a two or three months term away from their criminal behavior are not often available, that’s why they offend the second time after they are released. The article recommends that a community penalty is more effective as a form of punishment for the prisoners than sending them over to prison. The article quotes Brennan recommending that the government should deal with the crimes head on rather than making lots of promises and pledges that it cannot meet. People should also be aware of these problems and how serious they are so that they can be a part in solving them. Brennan is correct in saying that criminals should be sent to prison whether it is expensive or not. The most important thing to consider here is the protection of the public from these offenders. The government should look more into these problems because this is getting worse every year and it has bad records of crime. The government should also look into the budgeting systems of the federal and local governments. It should consider that budgeting systems can be a part of the ineffective services it offers to the public. Changes in budgeting systems should be an important part in reform. REFERENCES Morrison, Nick. (2002, February 05). Will part-time prison cut crime or costs? Newsquest (North East Ltd. , p. 8. Available at: http://yukon. actx. edu:2083/libweb/curriculum/do/document? set=topicgroupid=1requestid=conquesttopicresultid=48ts=57673F035D3E975120F685A75E3514BA_1187860483640urn=urn%3Abigchalk%3AUS%3BBCLib%3Bdocument%3B76740234. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office. (2006). Independent review of policies and procedures of correctional facilities operated by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office. Available at: http://www. mcda. us/articles/GJ_CORRECTIONAL_FACILITIES_2006. pdf.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The effect of training and development on employee Performance

The effect of training and development on employee Performance Human Resource Management employs training and development as its feature that enables an organization to train its employees according to the requirement of the organization and polish the skills. Training activities are designed to improve human performance on the job the employee is presently doing or is being hired to do (Nadler, 1970). Development is concerned with the overall growth of the employee. The employees in an organization need to understand the job and its importance. Many a times learning occurs simultaneously with the job, but it is the obligation of the employer to provide on the job training to improve the skills of the employee as well as improve overall performance. Training and developmental activities in an organization affect the work performance of the employee and ultimately the firm. Infosys is a company that efficiently manages its employees and provides training for its employees different areas like the technical training, induction training, leadership training, cross cultural training etc. Leonard Nadler, (1970), Developing human resources, Gulf Pub. Co, pp.76-79 Research background The study proposes to understand the impact of training and development on employee performance with special reference to Infosys Technologies Limited. Training helps an employee acquire more skills and capabilities that help improves their performance in the job; training also makes them proficient in the job (Dahama, 1979). While developmental activities focus on learning new things which provide them new options to grow in the organization. Training and development models are explained with the help of learning theories viz. behaviorist theory, cognitive theory and humanist theory (Mowrer Klein, (2001). All these theories are concerned with the teaching and learning process of the employees. There are three main approaches to training which are adopted by organizations while deciding on the type of training delivered to the employees namely, traditional, experiential and performance based approach  (Rama, 1993). The continuous learning activities, professional and personal development in Infosys makes the company become successful in the IT industry and marks its presence in the world. The company gives due consideration to its employees and provides training in areas that make the employees well versed in their field. Infosys makes a framework for the continuous improvement of the employee and provides opportunities for their growth. They have incorporated many programs that mostly focus on the learning and development of the employees. Dahama, O. P, (1979),  Extension and rural welfare, New Delhi: Ram Parsad and Sons, pp.45-48 Rama, B. R, Etling, A. W, Bowen, B. E, (1993), Training of farmers and extension personnel, New Delhi: Mittal Publications, pp. 47-48 Mowrer R Robert, Klein B Stephen., (2001), Handbook of contemporary learning theories, Routledge, pp.16-19 Infosys Technologies Company description Infosys Technologies is a company that was established in the year 1981 by seven people. Infosys is one of the largest IT companies in India with more than US $5.4 billion revenue. Kris Gopalakrishnan is currently the CEO and MD of Infosys that delivers technology enables solutions to clients in different parts of the world. The company has 114,822 employees who work in the different parts of world and the company has its office in 33 countries. Even though the employee turnover in the IT industry is high the company is able to sustain its employees because of the efforts taken to provide growth and motivation through training and developmental activities. The company is considered to be one that provides the best kinds of training to its employees. They are well known for the training and developmental initiatives taken up to improve the performance of its employees. Infosys conducts training and development programs for the new recruits and also for the existing employees. Infosys has the following departments that provide different trainings to the employees: Education and research department this department provide technical training for the new recruits and the training lasts for about 14 weeks. This department also provides training for the middle level employees. Quality process training- the company is keen on making its employees understand their role in the organization; this department provides training clarifying the roles. Managerial programs and personal effectiveness- This department provides training to the managers in improving their skills and capabilities as managers, improves their leadership skills and induce team spirit in the organization. Infosys leadership system (ILI) The company has an institute called the Infosys leadership institute which is catered to bring growth to the employees and enhance their leadership abilities thus giving them the opportunity to improve themselves. (accessed on 3/12/2010) on 3/12/2010) on 3/12/2010) Rationale for the research topic The research work will throw light on the importance of training and development activities on improving employee performance. The study aims to evaluate the various training methods and models adopted by Infosys that motivate its employee to work towards the goals of the organization. Research will highlight the contributions of the developmental initiatives of Infosys on the growth and development of the employee. The study will focus on the effect of training and development on employee performance in Infosys. Literature review Training and development Training and development is essential part of the Human Resource Department in any organization. According to Van (1962) training is the process of teaching, informing, or educating people so that they may become as well qualified as possible to do their job, and become qualified to perform in positions of greater difficulty and responsibility. The staff in an organization is trained in different areas so that they become efficient in performing their activities. Inservice training is provided to employees so that their performance in the job increases as well as equips them to hold the responsibilities well. This training provides a development and growth for the individual. On the job training helps develop new core competencies and capabilities of the worker (Malone, 1984). There are various types of training that an employer needs to provide to the employee so that they are capable and competent enough at different stages of their work in the company. Following are the types of training: Orientation training or induction training: this is a training that most companies provide to a new employee. A new recruit will be unaware of the rules and work culture of the company, thus familiarizing them with the company is the responsibility of the HR department so that the employee is at ease and able to work effectively in the new environment (Rogers Olmsted, 1957). Foundation Training- This training is given to the employees to improve their overall skills like communication skills, coordination skills, leadership skills and also to understand their profession well and to gain knowledge regarding the administration. Technical training in companies in Infosys they provide their employees with the technical training that suits their work. This is provided to enhance their technical knowledge and make them professional in their area work. This is provided both to the new recruits as well as to the existing employees. Refresher training this is another type of training were the skills and abilities are updated. The employees need to be up-to-date with the changing scenario especially in the technology sector. The employees cannot work with obsolete skills, thus they are giver refresher training to improve their productivity (Van Dersal, 1962). On the job training- This kind of training is mostly provided to the employees by their superiors. The superiors do give formal instructions, presentations and involve the subordinated in discussions. By this way the employee gets an opportunity to gain more knowledge regarding their work and develop new skills. Developmental training- Training that helps an employee develop and grow in the organization. This type of training will help him take up more responsibilities and hold higher positions Malone (1984). This training will give the employee the professional skills, technical skills and more knowledge that will cater to their development and support them in climbing up the ladder of hierarchy in the organization and promote career development. Benefits of training and development There exist a relationship between training and development and employee performance. Training is the method of learning new things through education, practice and experience (Armstrong, 2000). An effective training can make the employees more competent and efficient and contribute to the growth of the organization (Ginsberg, 1997). A well trained employee will always be aware of his abilities, duties and responsibilities. The skills acquired can be efficiently utilized which will enable him to work towards the goals of the organization. Training is beneficiary to both the employees and the company in a lot of ways. Training makes an efficient and thus increases productivity More production leads to increased sales Wastage is reduced Employees will be more satisfied thus turnover and absenteeism will be reduced Efficient employees will produce more quality products Training is also a means of motivating the employees, the performance level of the employees also increases which acts as a pillar for the growth of the organization. Training and development in Infosys Infosys ensures that the employees are given the right kind of training thus contributing to the growth of the employees. Infosys has a well structured training process which is divided into many steps. Step1. Analyzing the training needs of the organization Step2. Objective of the training are formulated Step3. The already existing training methods are reviewed Step4. Develop a new method or select the already present method Step5. Training evaluation method has to be understood Step6. Implement the training program developed Step7. Measure the results obtained after training implementation This shows that the company has plan regarding the different training provided to the employees and they ensure that the results are obtained (Kumar, 2009). Infosys has a Training and development department that has many teams which take up the responsibility of managing the training activities in the organization. The teams include corporate training teams, teams for organizational development etc. Infosys follows certain methods like presentation, conferences, seminars, role playing, on the job training, case study, simulation, mentoring, in order to impart training to its employees. Some of the important types of developmental and training initiatives of Infosys include: Induction for new recruits, buddy programs to make the new employees familiarize with the organization, leadership, appraisal and quality training. They have adopted certain employee development methods that include, career pathing, options for higher education, plans for performance improvement, giving more projects to work on (Koontz, 1990). Infosys is keen on providing leadership training to its employees and they have set up the leadership institute that provides leadership development program (Durai, 2004). Armstrong Michael, (2000), Understanding training, Human Resource Management Practice, 8th Edition, Kogan page limited, London pp:543 Durai, (2004), Human Resource Management, Pearson Education India, pp.200-203 Koontz, (1990), Essentials of management, Tata McGraw-Hill, pp.218-220 Malone, V. M, (1984), Inservice training and staff development, Agricultural extension: A reference manual,  Rome: FAO, pp.12 Kumar Nirmalya, Mohapatra K Pradipta, Chandrasekhar Suj, (2009), Indias global powerhouses: how they are taking on the world, Harvard Business Press pp.70-72 Rogers, F. E., Olmsted, A. G, (1957),  Supervision in the  cooperative extension service, WI: National Agricultural Extension Center for Advanced Study, pp.23 Van Dorsal, W. R, (1962),  The successful supervisor,  New York: Harper and Row, pp. 23-26 Ginsberg, L, (1997), Training for the long haul, Computer Shopper, Vol: 17, pp: 4 Research Questions What are the effects of training and development on employee performance in Infosys Technologies Limited would be the foremost and the most relevant question related to the topic. Some other questions that can be put forward in relation to the topic are: How will training bring about a change in the productivity of the employees? What are the important developmental initiatives taken up by Infosys to provide its employees the opportunity to grow? In what way is effectiveness and performance of the employees linked to the training and developmental activities in the company? Research objectives Primary objective To study the effect of training and development on employee performance in Infosys Specific objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of training and development on employee productivity To understand the training and development models of the company that contributes to the growth of the employees To study of there is a relationship between employee performance and training and development in Infosys Methodology Research design and design adopted A research is the process of findings answers to certain problems that are carried out within a framework of philosophies, procedures, approaches, and techniques which are tested for reliability (Kothari, 1985). A research methodology is the process of systematic way of collecting and analyzing information related to a topic. This study follows a method of problem identification in the company related to the topic and then finding solutions to the problems and issues (Kumar, 2005). For the purpose of problem diagnosis and testing relevant data are collected and analyzed. Kothari, C.R., (1985), Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited, pp.2-5 Kumar, Ranjit, (2005), Research Methodology-A Beginners, (2nd.ed.), Singapore, Pearson Education, pp. 38-40 8.2 data collection methods 1. Sampling Methods The sampling method chosen in this study is convenient sampling were the author distributes questionnaires to the employees. The population chosen for the study is the employees of the company, under the category of trainers and trainees Infosys. Samples are chosen according to the convenience of the author from both populations. 2. Sample size Sample size is the number of employees chosen for the study from the total population of employees in the company. The number of employees chosen among whom questionnaire will be distributed in Infosys is 100 which include 25% trainers and 75% the trainees. 3. Sampling technique Sampling techniques is the method by which the researcher chooses samples from the total population. The categorization of the sampling is also important. In this particular study the researcher will choose samples from both the trainer population and employee population who undergo training in Infosys. This is done in order to analyze the effectiveness of training and development from two angles namely from the point of view of the trainers and the trainees. The questionnaires are distributed among these groups thus retaining valuable information regarding the training and development activities of the organization. Questionnaires Questionnaires are a means to collect relevant data from the group under study. This study carried out with the help of structured questionnaires that contain questions related to the topic. It will include questions regarding training and development and employee performance in the company. Questionnaire help the researcher get direct responses of the employees who are associated with the training and development activities of the company. While using questionnaires there are chances that the responses obtained may be biased and not the real response of the respondent. In this research the researcher needs to prepare 2 types of questionnaires one for the trainers and another one for the trainees. Thus he can obtain the response from both these groups regarding the topic. Interview The various drawbacks of questionnaires can be overcome using the interview method as it provides an opportunity for researcher to have a face to face interaction with the employees. Interview method is relevant as the interviewer can include more interactive and open ended questions. This will help obtain more specific information related to the topic. Interview method can be used in cases where the sample size is low. In this study the researcher can interview the trainers and other employees and get their personal opinions and suggestions on training and development followed in the company and how it has brought about a change in them. Data Analysis Data analysis is the process of converting the collected raw data into a polished form which can be easily interpreted and understood to give relevant conclusions. There are various data analysis techniques that can be used in different types of researches according to the requirements (Nolan Bryan, 1994). Empirical data are analyzed using statistical tools which provide reliable and accurate results. In this particular study the data analysis method that can be used are the percentage analysis and Chi-square test. These tests will help obtain accurate results for the study and prove or disprove the objectives formulated.   Nolan Bryan, (1994), Data analysis: an introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.134-136 Resource Requirements The author needs different types of data and resources to carry out the study effectively. The data are collected by primary and secondary means. In this study the author obtained primary data by way of questionnaires which when distributed among the respondents give relevant responses which can be used in the study. Secondary data are collected from books and journals, articles, magazines, websites and other media. The author can make use of libraries to collect information from books; World Wide Web is also means for obtaining information related to the topic. Time scale EXERCISE WEEKS One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight   Selection of research proposal Decision on topic title Working on research background Rationale Execution on research objectives Formulation of research questions Working  Ã‚  on literature review Knowing research methodology Elucidating data collection method Working on data analysis Clarification with the lecturer Time spectrum Bibliography